Our clients and our people Our passion for client success is why we come to work. Our success begins with our people, who are absolutely the best.
Our Valued Clientele and their brief work description
Everest Bank Ltd (Everest Remit). Everest Remit is Techmind Solution’s B2B fund transfer software for Everest Bank (Lazimpat). This software includes the handling of INWARD of remittance, bulk remit automation system. https://everestbankltd.com/product-and-services/remittance/
Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd (PrithiviExpress.com). Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd. (NIMB), previously Nepal Indosuez Bank Ltd. For this client we have provided Prithivi Express a B2B fund transfer software for Nepal Investment Mega Bank (Durbarmarg). This software includes the handling of INWARD of remittance, third bank integration and wallet integreation. Prithivi Remit is integrated with PayPal , Visa and Mastercard. https://www.nimb.com.np/personal-banking/products/remittance/prithivi-remittance
Global IME Bank Ltd (GlobalRemit) Global IME Bank Limited is a national level commercial bank. For this client we have carried out consultations, design and developed a complete remittance system. GlobalRemit is Number 1 international remittance with 21% of market share in Nepal. Nepal’s only bank with 4 International Regional Remit Office. https://www.globalimebank.com/remittance
NMB Bank Ltd (SulavRemit): NMB Bank Limited licensed as “A” class financial institution has been operating in Nepalese Financial market for over fifteen years and is one of the leading commercial banks in the banking industry.For this client we have provided SulavRemit for fund transfer and automation of cheque clearing system and draft automation system. https://www.nmb.com.np/remittance
Myanmar Citizens Bank Ltd (MCB Remit) MCB Remit is complete fund transfer software. This software includes the handling of International , Domestic remittance and Wallet. https://mcb.com.mm/personal/other-services/remittance/
Nabil Bank Ltd (Nabil Remit) Nabil Bank is largest commercial bank of Nepal. The Bank envisions in becoming a dominant player in the Nepalese banking industry with Western Union direct connectivity. https://www.nabilbank.com/individual/individual/remittance
Other clients are: Nepal Bank Ltd. Siddhartha Bank Ltd. NIC Asia Bank Ltd. Prime Commercial Bank Ltd.